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MN Social Studies Standards


Social Studies Standards are Currently Being Reviewed and Revised
"In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Minnesota’s academic standards are reviewed and revised on a 10-year cycle. During the 2020-21 school year, the process of reviewing and revising the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in Social Studies began. "The standards are being revised for Minnesota public schools, by Minnesotans. The social studies standards review and revision process began with a series of drafts created by a committee that included 36 members from across Minnesota with varying perspectives and backgrounds. Minnesota Statutes outline who must be represented on the committee, including parents, currently licensed and in the classroom teachers, licensed school administrators, school board members, post-secondary institution faculty teaching core subjects, and business community members. The committee began meeting in September 2020 and their last meeting was in September 2021."

Minnesota's Department of Education is seeking public comment about the history and economic standards for K-12. This is a cyclical event. The last standards were adopted in 2011. Here are the links for those interested:


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