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Cottage Grove City Council November/December Meetings

The Cottage Grove City Council, during the November 7, 2022 meeting, passed Resolution 2022-142m which awarded Mid-America Golf and Landscape, Inc. the River Oaks Golf and Events Center irrigation project. This is a $2.5 million dollar project to replace a 1989 irrigation system at River Oaks Golf and Events Center. The current system requires significant amounts of labor, equipment, and materials to keep it running. Benefits expected with the updated smart system are reduced water consumption and improved turf conditions. In addition, the City Council approved Resolution 2022-148 authorizing an interfund loan in an amount up to $1,850,000 for the Golf course Fund. For more information, you can watch the meeting here.

During the December 7, 2022, meeting, The Cottage Grove City Council adopted several resolutions.

  • Alcohol Use – Resolution 2022-160 imposing the scheduled penalty for the 2nd violation in a 24-month period of a $1,000 fine, suspension of liquor license for three consecutive days and additional conditions, to address a liquor violation on 11/7/22 at Las Margarita Mexican Restaurant in Cottage Grove. The violation was their 9th since they opened in 2005. Recording starts at 24:38.

  • 2023 Property Tax Levy and Budget – Resolution 2022-162 adopting the 2022 Property Tax Levy collectible in 2023. The City Council also adopted Resolution 2022-163 adopting the 2023 Budget. City taxes pay for Public Safety, Public Works, Debt Service, Parks & Recreation, Fire Service, General Government, Capital Equipment and EDA (Economic Development Authority). The per capita cost of living in Cottage Grove is the 2nd lowest in Washington County. Tax Valuation Notices will be sent out by the Washington County Assessor’s office in March- April 2023. There will be opportunities during that time for tax payers to speak with assessors about their valuations. For information about Property Tax Relief Programs, contact the MN Dept of Revenue at 651-296-3781. Recording starts at 55:05.

  • 2023-2027 Capital Improvements Plan - City Council approved the 2023-2027 CIP and adopted Resolution 2022-157 amending the Comprehensive Plan 2040 to incorporate the 2023-2027 CIP. CIP projects in the next two years include new parks, a new water tower, a new water treatment plant and well (3M Settlement) and road projects, among others. Each project must be presented before the Council for approval. Recording starts at 1:19:30

You can watch the council meeting here. The minutes and seconds are provided for each topic location in the recording.

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